To Trust a Traitor is the latest album released by the band Of Violence and Vanity.
Meet Of Violence & Vanity, a project of Daniel Huddleston, a guitarist in the band Falling Up. That being said, don’t expect To Trust a Traitor to sound anything like Falling Up. The song writing is more along the lines of progressive rock minus the 7+ minute long songs that are a typical staple of the genre. Daniel recorded everything heard here, except for the drums (those are done by Caleb Benadict), and what he came up with is pretty impressive for a near one-man show. Mostly when you hear of one man doing everything you don’t get these types of complicated songs with many different textures.
Album :: To Trust a Traitor
Artist :: Of Violence and Vanity
Release Date :: August 25th, 2009
Genre :: Rock, Progressive
Label :: Vitalis Artist Group

1. Fold
2. To Trust a Traitor
3. Hell Over Heels
4. A Great Performer
5. Living a Slow Death
6. You and Yourself
7. Final Words
8. Want & Take
9. You’re Free
10. Lonely Throne
